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“Have your say on Councils 10-year Budget 2021-2031” and it’s EXTREMELY IMPORTANT the sports sector ensures their voice is heard. The Sport & Rec sector needs as many submissions as possible to ensure appropriate funding is going towards the sector, a sector that as we know provides so many opportunities and benefits for all.

  • WHY submit – To ensure there is funding directed towards Sport & Recreation over the next 10 years. The more submissions, the stronger the voice for the sector.
  • WHAT to submit – Harbour Sport, along with Aktive have created a template (attached) for Clubs, RSO’s and organisations to use (copy and paste)
  • ENSURE you align your local sport or club issues to the Harbour Sport/Aktive themes, we need to be a collective voice.
  • HOW to submit?
    1. Submit via the button below
    2. Complete Q1 – Q6 (general questions)
    3. Complete Q7 – What is important to you – Add comment “Sport & Rec is important to me because…..” OR copy and paste the key submission points below
  • WHEN to submit – ASAP! Submissions close March 22nd, 12.00pm.

KEY submission points:

  • Continued recognition and use of the Auckland Sports Sector: Facilities Priorities Plan 2017, to guide good decision making
  • Continued use of the Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan (SARSAP), to ensure the plan is continued
  • Recognise the economic, social and community value of the Sport and Recreation Sector
  • Recognise the impact Covid 19 has had on our sector
  • Retain the Sport and Recreation Facilities Fund, the Regional Sport and Recreation Facilities Operating Grant and the Sportsfield Development Capacity Fund
  • Increase the funding level of the Sport and Recreation Facilities Fund, the Regional Sport and Recreation Facilities Operating Grant and the Sportsfield Development Capacity Fund to reflect sector demand
  • Support Local Board sport and recreation projects and priorities
  • Support the Local Board sport and recreation One Local Initiatives projects which address regional priorities
  • Support reinstating the local Board Transport Capital Fund to previous levels
  • Seek clarification about Council’s proposal to moving from an asset-based approach to alternative ways of delivering services
  • Supporting a focus on renewals and proactive asset maintenance
  • Urging caution around the implications and potential impacts of community asset divestment
  • Ensuring Council has the capacity to deliver the budgeted projects
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