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Business Development

Mike Bishop

Chief Executive Officer

Lisa Price

Office Manager

Paula McGregor

Paula McGregor

Digital Systems Manager

Danae Van der Merwe

Business Support Administrator 

Kerri Moran

Kerri Moran

Health and Safety Manager

About Me

en021 244 2065

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I am originally from Napier but have lived on the North Shore since March 2018. I am of Irish / Scottish / Australian and German heritage.  My wider whànau whakapapa to Ngati Tuwharetoa and to the village of Lano in Samoa

I have been a Sport CEO for over 30 years and part of Harbour Sport since December 2018.  I thoroughly enjoy the diverse culture that makes up Harbour Sport and am proud of the mahi we do alongside our stakeholders across the Te Raki Paewhenua rohe.

“Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few” – Winston Churchill

About Me

    021 8683 02

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27 years ago our family moved from Cape Town, South Africa to the lovely North Shore. I studied Graphic Design, Photography and Web Development with most of my career working in photography, the website industry and IT systems. I enjoy the fast paced, continually changing envrionment of improving clopud-based business, improving systems that bring out the best in people, enabling an efficient, effective team.

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today – Benjamin Franklin

About Me

09 415 4610

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I was born in South Africa and raised in Rotorua, New Zealand.  I moved to Auckland for university to pursue a Bachelor in Sport Management, which I have since completed completed. I am passionate about all things sport and living a balanced lifestyle. My main interest is the gym and going to the beach with friends.

My primary role at Harbour Sport is the Receptionist, but also contribute to the Tu Manawa and Play initiatives.

When in doubt, look intelligent – Garrison Keillor.

About Me

09 415 4611

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I’m from Auckland with a background in Health, Sport and Recreation. I have spent 14 years working within the Regional Sports Trust network and enjoy making a positive difference in the community.

I formerly managed the Community Strength and Balance initiative and team which is aimed at reducing falls and fractures from falls in older adults aged 65 years and over. I am now Harbour Sports Health and Safety Manager.

“There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live”- Dalai Lama

Amanda Isada

Albany Community Hub Manager

Sara Mason

Community Resilience Activator

Rikki Burgess

(Ngāti Raukawa)

Business Project Manager

Jay Martin

(Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi and Ngāti Tama)

Business Project Manager

John Marsden, QSO, JP


About Me

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Kia ora! My name is Amanda. I look after the Albany Community Hub and ensure that it is an accessible, vibrant and safe. I organize, liaise and oversee various community workshops, programmes and events. I am usually out and about connecting and networking with community members and businesses that share the same vision of bringing Albany residents closer together.

I have a Masters Degree in Sports Management. Managing events and marketing are my strengths. I love playing volleyball, hiking, travelling, crocheting and all things arts and crafts.

About Me
My role with Harbour Sport is as Community Resilience Activator for Albany, to assist the people who live, work and play in Albany with initiatives that help create a more connected community, and to support preparedness for any future emergencies such as extreme weather events. The awesome thing about my role is connecting with the many people who care about the community and helping others, and finding ways to collaborate for the betterment of the Albany community. 
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I grew up in the wops on a farm outside of Whanganui but have lived on North Shore for past 20 years. Studied physiotherapy, public health and have been learning Te Reo Māori since 2018.

I support Harbour Sport team to secure funding for our programmes. I am part-time 10 hours/week.

He aha te mea nui i te ao? he tangata, he tangata, he tangata – What’s the most important thing in the world? It’s people, people, people

About Me
Rev John Marsden was awarded a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit (CNZM) at the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2019 awards. He already holds a Queen’s Service Order (QSO) and is a Justice of the Peace (JP).

John was raised in Kaiwaka and has been part of Te Uri O Hau/Ngāti Whātua life for his entire existence. Ōtamatea Marae has been his place of growing up. He attended boarding school in Auckland for his educational pursuits followed by further tertiary study at Auckland University.

John has worked in various areas of employment which has taken him all over Aotearoa in the field of banking, education, tertiary level of health and primary health. John has two daughters although lost one to cancer over the past two years. He is passionate about providing support, and advisory/leadership to whānau of all ages. John’s aim is to particularly ensure our iwi, hapū, and whānau are given the best opportunities in this present environment to improve life experiences for all our tamariki and mokopuna.

John is now semi-retired, but still heavily involved in the church and its related ministry work.

Sport Capability

Richard Casutt

General Manager

Anthony Hyde

Sector Support Manager and Tū Manawa Lead

About Me

027 479 9565

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Born and studied in Christchurch, NZL. BA in Psychology and Business Management, MSc. in Industrial and Organisational Psychology. Madly passional sportsman growing up, playing cricket, volleyball, golf and football competitively and in the back yard with my uncle and grandma. Mum is half swiss, half pakeha, dad was malaysian indian. Have worked in Sport since graduating, especially in Volleyball in Wellington, and Adelaide Australia. Also lectured in psychology. Have coached volleyball most of my life, and got into Beach Volleyball refereeing as a player. Love supporting and growing people to be the best they can be.

General Manager – Oversee the team that deliver the Community Sport Investment from AKtive/ Sport NZ. Challenge the design and build of the sytem that delivers sport, active recreation and play to the community. Solutions focussed to help design initiatives to engage the in active. Support the events team, and manage the Sponsorship relationships with Harbour Sport and the events. Support the Sport Development Team around advocacy and future practice.

Don’t cry over spilt milk

About Me

027 880 4547

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With over two decades of experience in the sport and recreation sector, Anthony brings a wealth of knowledge, leadership, and a strong network of relationships within the North Harbour sport and recreation community.

Ants has held key roles across Regional Sports Trusts, National and Regional Sports Organisations, schools, and nonprofit entities, most recently with the Tania Dalton Foundation. His recent tenure at Harbour Sport saw him successfully lead community engagement initiatives, Tu Manawa funding, and school sport development. He has also been instrumental in fostering partnerships and driving inclusive opportunities for community sport.
With a passion for community and leadership, Anthony is committed to strengthening regional networks, supporting local sport and recreation providers, and advocating for sustainable and culturally inclusive sport and recreation environments. His deep-rooted connections within the sector and proven ability to serve and connect the community will be invaluable in leading the Sector Support function of Harbour Sport.

Community Sport

Kylie McGrigor

Regional Sports Director

Judith Quinlan

Youth Sport Advisor

Merimoana Kenrick

(Ngāti Kahungunu, Muaupoko, Ngai Tahu)
Healthy Active Learning Advisor

Thornton McDade

Healthy Active Learning Advisor

Kendra Tate 

Korikori-Rangatahi Recreation Advisor,

Women and Girls Lead

About Me

021 422 076

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Born and raised in Auckland, I grew with the opportunity to be involved in many different sport and recreation activities. This ignited my passion for sport. I have a background in secondary school PE teaching. As the Schools & Kura Manager, my role to support the team who work with tamariki, rangatahi and schools. My role as the Regional Sports Director is to provide support and advocate the value of sport for all rangatahi in the secondary school setting and with the wider sports sector.

“If you want things to change, you first have to change you”

About Me

029 295 0029

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Kia ora, I’m Jude. I am a born and bred Harbour girl, mother to two and love everything about sport.

I am a player, coach, manager and supporter of hockey as well as giving rowing another crack this year.

As the Youth Sport Advisor, I look after all things coach development and parent education as well as providing support to organisations in the youth space.

“Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming”. John Wooden

About Me


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Kia ora, i’m Meri, I am a Healthy Active Learning Advisor. Healthy Active Learning is a joint government initiative between Sport New Zealand and the Ministries of Health and Education to improve the wellbeing of tamariki through healthy eating and drinking and quality physical activity. My role is to support schools to deliver quality Health and Physical Education.

About Me

022 042 5418

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I was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. Prior to joining the Sports Harbour team as a Healthy Active Learning Advisor, I was a teacher for several years.

Healthy Active Learning is a joint government initiative between Sport NZ, Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand, and the Ministry of Education to improve the wellbeing of tamariki and rangatahi through healthy eating and drinking and quality physical activity. As a Healthy Active Learning Advisor, my role is to provide support to a number of primary/intermediate schools within this initiative.

“To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together.” African Proverb

About Me

027 700 4016

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I was born and raised in Gisborne, NZ, with my parents and younger sister. I graduated from the University of Waikato in 2022 with a Masters in Health, Sport and Human Performance. I love all things sport and do a bit of coaching on the side. My role at Harbour Sport is Women and Girls Advisor, supporting the growth of women and girls in the sport and physical activity sector.

Danae Van der Merwe

Community Sport Play Activator and Tū Manawa Coordinator

Pat Green

Healthy Active Learning Advisor

Paula McGregor

Kelly Cameron

Community Bike Lead

Paula McGregor

Tayla Flatt

Community Bike Administrator


About Me

027 700 2723

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I was born in South Africa and raised in Rotorua, New Zealand.  I moved to Auckland for university to pursue a Bachelor in Sport Management, which I have since completed completed. I am passionate about all things sport and living a balanced lifestyle. My main interest is the gym and going to the beach with friends.

My primary role at Harbour Sport is the Receptionist, but also contribute to the Tu Manawa and Play initiatives.

When in doubt, look intelligent – Garrison Keillor.

About Me

027 880 4547

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Atobie tribe, Solomon Islands

Healthy Active Learning Community Connector. Healthy Active Learning is a joint government initiative between Sport New Zealand and the Ministries of Health and Education to improve the wellbeing of tamariki through healthy eating and drinking and quality physical activity. My role as a HAL Community Connector is to strengthen links between schools and the wider community in order to provide opportunities for tamariki to thrive.

“Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takatini”- Success is not the work of one, but the work of many.

About Me

021 422 076

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Kia ora tātou, Ko Rangitoto te Maunga, Ko takapuna te Moana, Nō Tāmaki ahau, Ko cameron tōku whānau ko Kelly tōku ingoa. Hi, I’m Kelly! Born and raised on the North Shore, attended Takapuna Grammar School and have a big love for all things sport!

The Regional Sports Director advocates for the value of sport for all Rangatahi in Secondary Schools via school management and with the sport sector.

We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.

About Me

027 700 6368

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I am the Community Bike Administrator here at Harbour Sport.  I work alongside the Bike Lead to ensure BikeReady is implemented successfully in schools across the Harbour Region. There is nothing more rewarding than getting a non-rider riding by the end of a session. 

Born and raised in Whangaparaoa, the mighty Hibiscus Coast. I graduated in 2020 with a Sport Management Degree from Massey University. Passionate about all things sport whether that be watching/playing, I play netball for Shore Rovers Netball Club! The beach is also a favourite of mine!

A bad attitude is like a flat tyre – you can’t go anywhere until you change it!

Husmit Uka

ActivAsian Manager

Daniel Dong 

ActivAsian Community Coordinator

Marian Park

ActivAsian Community Coordinator 

Lauren Bradburn

Healthy Lifestyle Advisor

About Me

027 700 5400

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I grew up in Whenuapai and like to consider myself a “westie”. Prior to Harbour Sport I worked at North Harbour Hockey where I spent four years developing and growing the game particularly in the youth space.

To lead and coordinate community initiatives within the ActivAsian team working alongside schools, clubs, community groups and sports organisations.

“There is no way around hard work. Embrace it. You have to put in the hours because there’s always something which you can improve” – Roger Federer

About Me

021 666 018

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I am a Chinese community coordinator in Harbour Sport ActivAsian. I has been looking after the Walk With Us project and leading the Chinese walking group twice per week for the last 4 years. I am also an owner of Chinese Marathon Running Group on Wechat platform.

Originally I came from China and have been to about 20 countries, but finally settled down in the most lovely country New Zealand in 2009. I was an engineering man but now I am an outdoor expert.

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

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Formerly a Korean Information Officer at CAB Language Link (CABLL)

My role as an ActivAsian Community Coordinator at HS is supporting Korean community to increase sport and recreation participation and to Improving access to information about sport and recreational opportunities on the North Shore. Also, one of my main roles is to expose and introduce the healthier and more active lifestyle to the Korean community. To achieve this, I have been delivering Korean walking groups bi-weekly for the last 5 years, outdoor leadership programme, Have a Go programmes, co-hosting learning a water skill programmes with local service providers.

Currently I am hosting a Health and Wellbeing 4 weeks trial programme to the Korean community. This is designed to offer a centralized, service-based hub that addresses and supports the Asian community in its holistic wellbeing.

Do good and good will come to you.

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 Kia ora,

My name is Lauren and I am a Healthy Lifestyle advisor here at Harbour Sport. I grew up on the Hibiscus Coast in Auckland and played netball all through school, which led to my passion for health as well as nutrition. From there I studied a Bachelor of Sport and Health at AUT, graduating in 2023. I’m a big music fan, having played guitar for 10+ years and have been singing all my life. 

“A year from now you’ll wish you started today.”

Active Communities | Healthy Lifestyles

Jason Edmonds

(Ngāti Porou)

Active Communities Manager

Giuliana Sewell

Active For Life Co-Manager

Sam Johnstone

Healthy Lifestyle Administrator – Maternity Leave

Kieran Smith

Ethan Gallagher

Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator

Josh Cholette

Healthy Lifestyle Advisor

About Me

021 422 053

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Ngāti Porou

As the Active Communities Manager I oversee the Green Prescription, Te Oranga Kaiora and SportsPasifik programmes. All of these programmes are aimed at creating healthier lifestyles and sustained positive health changes for these communities. With a passion for providing equal opportunities for communities that experience and deal with inequities.

Ehara taku maunga a Hikurangi he maunga nekeneke, he maunga tū tonu – Te Kani a Takirau

About Me


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About Me
About Me

027 700 6369

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Born in the lovely city of Derry, Norhtern Ireland I found my way to NZ when I was 12 and have been here ever since. I studied Graphic and Web Design also doing a course in Marketing. I enjoy my football and am a avid Chelsea supporter. As the Marketing and Communications coordinator I oversee all outgoing comms from the GRX team, if that be newsletters or social media posts.

“Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda

About Me

022 658 4010

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I am originally from Canada, where I spent my early childhood years until we moved to New Zealand in 2008. I’m so fortunate to have such a contrasting upbringing, from living in Edmonton, Alberta, to the small town of Kawerau. My passion for health and fitness started early after being emersed in the New Zealand curriculum. Physical activity was such a big part of our learning which eventually led me to complete my bachelor’s degree in Sport and Recreation, where I majored in Sport and Exercise Science. After the messy first lockdown experience, I was an in-person/online strength and conditioning coach/personal trainer. My focus shifted from high-performance sport to health as I worked with my gen population clients where even small changes were meaningful – I’m excited to be working in a role that aligns with one of my passions. I’ve done so many sports across my time, but to keep the list short – when I’m not at work, you will find me in the gym or on the weekends outdoors, catching some waves or exploring some trails!

Chanell Murray

Healthy Lifestyle Advisor

Tenaija Fletcher

Healthy Lifestyle Advisor 

Wanakia Heather-Te Kingi

(Ngapuhi, Ngati Kahu, Ngati Raukawa)

Healthy Lifestyle Advisor 

Te Hohi Valentine

(Ngā Puhi and Ngati Tamaterā
Healthy Lifestyle Advisor

Jessica Kipa

Healthy Lifestyle Administrator

About Me

021 0866 4720

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Ngapuhi, Ngati Kahu, Ngati Raukawa

A Healthy Lifestyle Advisor works with individuals in the community to help them live healthier lives and to become independently active.

Mauri tū mauri ora

Briony Moir

Moriki Read

(Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Te Ara me Ngāti Kopaki)

Maori Community Manager

Jenny Beevor

Western Tahuri

(Ngati Porou, Ngati Kahungunu, Ngai Tuhoe)

Māori Community Activator

Jenny Beevor

Asenati Tavita

(Suga-Upolu, Saleaula-Savai’I – Samoa)

Pacific Community Manager

Briony Moir

Alex Matapo

(Mauke, Atiu – Cook Island)

Pacific Community Coordinator

Olalini Tafoulua

Pacific Community Activator

About Me

027 700 4019

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Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Te Ara me Ngāti Kōpaki, Te Orewai, Te Waiariki

Connecting people in our local communities to exercise and activity options relevant to them.

Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced everyday; while failure is simply a few errors in judgement, repeated everyday.

About Me

027 700 3272

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From: Ngati Porou, Ngati kahungunu 

 Kia ora mai tatou, my name is Western Tahuri, I hail from the mighty East Coast and the home of the brave the Hawkes Bay, but grew up and went to school at TKKM O Hoani Waititi marae in West Auckland. Ever since I could remember my first love has always been sports and is still to this day. I was lucky enough to grow up with my mum working at Sport Waitakere and Harbour Sport and now myself jumping over to the shore and working with Harbour Spor,t, it really shows that we do live in a small world. I’m lucky enough to be able to be doing both things that I love here at Harbour Sport, and that is being able to combine my Maoritanga and my sporting world into one as the Maori community activator. 

“Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi engari he toa takitini” in Pakeha means “My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective”

 Tena tatou katoa!

About Me

027 700 2275

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I am Samoan from the villages of Suga, Leauva’a and Fusi Safata in Upolu and Saleaula in Savai’i. Born in Samoa and moved to NZ in 1987 because my parents wanted a better future, the youngest of 5 and the only one with a University qualification.

I am the Pacific Community Manager and absolutely love what I do. Connecting, advocating and building capacity into our North Shore Pasifika community.

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

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027 209 4685

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Islands of Mauke and Atiu in the Cook Islands

Pasifika Community Coordinator. Engage in Pasifika Community to promote health and well-being, using sport and exercise as a vehicle to do so.

Dont speak about it, be about it.

About Me

027 700 3490

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My name is Olalini Tafoulua, also known as Lini. I grew up in the heart of East Auckland, Glen Innes and play rugby union for the Auckland Marist Women’s Premier team.

My role at Harbour Sport is a Pacific Community Activator, the most important part of my role is to engage with our Pacifica community whether it be through school, large sport events or educating families.  I am 1 of 3 members in the Sportspasifik team, a team that wear many hats from coaching, to facilitating as well as being part time comedians. Our days are never the same and our programmes vary depending on the needs of the community.

 “E vave taunu’u le malaga pe a tatou alo va’a fa’atasi “

Our destiny is within sight when we paddle our canoe together.

Charlotte Cuffe

Community Strength and Balance Manager

Anna Simons

Community Strength and Balance Advisor

Elin Noyer

Community Strength and Balance Trainer

Sarah Freiberg

Community Strength and Balance Trainer

About Me

027 700 4043

09 415 4611

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I am from Ireland and have been lucky to live in beautiful NZ since September 2010.

I am a Trainer on the Community Strength and Balance Programme. The goal is to work together with exercise providers in the community to help prevent/ reduce the risk of falling for the 65+ population.

‘Your health is your wealth.’

Louise Bartlett

Community Strength and Balance Trainer

Saeideh Aminian

Community Strength and Balance Trainer

About Me

027 880 4630

09 415 4611

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I am originally from England but have called NZ my home for the past 13 years.

I am part of the Community Strength and Balance Team, recommending suitable classes for older adults under the falls prevention programme.

Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.

Poppy Priestley

Operational Support

Isobel Wilkins

Operational Support

Eliza Powell

Operational Support

Emily White

Operational Support

Abbas Abrar-UI-Haque

Operational Support

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Kia Ora, I’m Poppy, I’m a student at Newcastle University studying Psychology and Sports and Exercise Science, doing a placement year here at Harbour Sports. Born and raised in Henley in the UK, where I live with my parents, two siblings and my cat. Passionate about staying active, and ensuring others can do the same, looking forward to sharing this passion at Harbour sports and becoming part of the north shore community! 

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Kia Ora! I’m over from Bath University where I am studying Health and Exercise Science and am currently here on placement for a year! I’m from Watford (North West London) where I live with my parents, sister and cat. I love playing hockey and being outdoors. I’m very excited to explore New Zealand and help make a difference in the community!

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Maya Angelou 

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I’m Eliza, a student at the University of Bath studying Sociology. I grew up a competitive swimmer in South London where I lived with my parents and 3 siblings. I’m super passionate about the work at Harbour Sport and looking forward to becoming more educated and involved in breaking down the barriers to sport for young people in the community.

“Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will” – Venus Williams

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Hi my names Emily and I am from Suffolk! In my spare time I like to play and coach netball, hang out with my friends and family, visit the pub and re-watch Gilmore girls. I love the outdoors especially if there is a high UV, and I am a big fan of the beach.

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Kia Ora! I was born and raised in Manchester with my 2 brothers and I currently play and coach rugby alongside basketball, football, athletics and multi-sports to a vast range of demographics. I am currently on placement as a part of my studies in Sports Management and Coaching at the University of Bath.  I have always had a passion and enjoyed helping people get involved in sport and help better their health, whether that is physically, mentally or socially and I am excited to pursue this passion during my time at Harbour sport! 

“It’s your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how your life’s story will develop.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Be professional

Be authentic and keep ourselves accountable

Walk the talk

He Tangata

Value diversity and the community voice

Have respect for and be respected by the community

Take the time to understand others


Lead with excellence

Be innovative, receptive and adaptive to the changing environment

Continuous improvement


Be enthusiastic, energetic and positive in everything we do

Inspire others

Go above and beyond

Want to Join Our Team?

If you are interested in working together, send us an inquiry and we will get back to you as soon as we can!