Active Teens
Providing Health benefits, Discipline, Focus and a change in Attitude about Nutrition and FitnessContact Us
Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights
The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights (the Code) establishes the rights of consumers, and the obligations and duties of providers to comply with the Code.
A Healthy Start for Teens from 12 to 18 years

What is Active Teens?
Teens are unique in that they respond to a distinctly different type of motivation.
To achieve the best health and fitness outcomes Active Teens provides a greater focus on personal accountability to motivate teens in ways that are specific to them.
Active Teens includes boxing, weight training and cardio sessions supervised by our Healthy Lifestyle Advisor.
It provides not only health benefits but discipline, focus and a change in attitude about nutrition and fitness.
A booklet helps teens track nutrition and exercise achievements as well as providing a space for personal reflection in the
The Active Teens programme involves parents as it is essential that the whole family is involved in food choices, transportation and vital encouragement.
Programme details
The programme runs for 10 weeks. These teens can expect to be put through their paces with a boot camp style workout each week.
NOTE: For locations, session times and term dates please contact us.

- .Aged ≥ 12 – 18 years.
- Geographical boundaries: North Shore, Rodney, Waitakere and Hibiscus Coast.
- Currently inactive (less than 5 hours per week).
- Have a stable medical/ mental condition that could benefit from
regular physical activity. - Family is ready to make changes to their lifestyle and consents to being referred
- Referrals can be by self-referral, via your general practice team (doctor or practice nurse), or any other health professional.
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? UPDATE: Alert Level 2 guidelines for Sport and Recreation released!
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