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Snapshot for August – Green Prescription – Glenfield

Harbour Sport’s Active Families programme is a 6-12 month support service for overweight/obese children and their families delivered at the Northcote Baptist Church Gymnasium. Families are provided with support, education and encouragement to achieve healthier...

Snapshot for August – Green Prescription – Glenfield

In August 2017, the Green Prescription (GRx) programme at the Glenfield Leisure Centre in the Kaipatiki area has supported: 59 NEW GRx clients during August, through individual consultations with Harbour Sport’s GRx Community Support Advisor. During August, the...

Snapshot for May – Green Prescription – Stanmore Bay

In May 2017, the Stanmore Bay Leisure Centre’s Wellbeing Wednesdays & Super Saturdays Green Prescription programme has supported clients in Hibiscus Coast through individual consultations with Harbour Sport’s GRx Community Support Advisor:  25 NEW GRx clients in...

Snapshot for May – Green Prescription – Glenfield

In May 2017, the Green Prescription (GRx) programme at the Glenfield Leisure Centre in the Kaipatiki area has supported: 66 NEW GRx clients during May, through individual consultations with Harbour Sport’s GRx Community Support Advisor. During May, the programme has...

Toolkit for Implementing a “Bikes in Schools” Project

“To enable decile 1 school children to receive the positive social impacts of riding a bike regularly” In 2010 Paul McArdle and his wife, Meg Frater, were recognised for their contribution to increasing cycling in New Zealand at the ASB Cycle Friendly Awards where...
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