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Sports Capability

Delivering Better Sport and Sportsmanship
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Providing specific professional development opportunities for key staff of RSO’s, clubs and schools.
The better we can support the people the better the organisation!

Developing the Capability of our Sports Organisations

The Sport Capability Team’s main objective is to support the development of capability in Regional Sports Organisations, Clubs, targeted communities, the Asian Community, Volunteers and Schools (Secondary and Primary) and is achieved by the provision of best practice examples, training, development and support for the people and volunteers that work in the sports sector.  

Active Teens Session

Clubs & RSO's

Capability, Strategic and Operational support in Regional Sports Organisations and Clubs.  We provide best practice examples, training, development, support and guidance through one on one or group sessions or through the popular workshops we run. Gameplan, out monthly newsletter keeps all stakeholders in the loop with the latest developments and relevant information for our region.

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Fitness Training

Recognising Volunteers

More Harbour people volunteering in sport is one of the key objectives of Harbour Sport. 

A major issue facing all our clubs and schools is the lack of volunteers available and willing to give of their time, compared to the number of volunteers required. 

Courtesy of Lotto NZ, our Volunteer of the Month Programme celebrates and rewards volunteers in all areas of our community.

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Fitness Training

Asian Community

ActivAsian aims to increase sport participation in the Asian community, with a particular focus on the Chinese and Korean communities on the North Shore.

The ActivAsian initiative has three key objectives:

  • Improving sporting opportunities for Asian people, with a particular focus on school aged children.
  • Improving access to information about sport and recreational opportunities for the Asian community.
  • Encouraging more Asian people to participate in sport

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Fitness Training

The Education Sector

A mindset of keeping active for life starts from a young age.

We offer support from Early Childhood through Primary and Secondary Schools to Tertiary institutions. Assistance in Professional Development , Student Leadership, School Sport Planning and more.

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Active Teens Session


Capability, Strategic and Operational support in Regional Sports Organisations and Clubs.  We provide best practice examples, training, development, support and guidance through one on one or group sessions or through the popular workshops we run. Gameplan, out monthly newsletter keeps all stakeholders in the loop with the latest developments and relevant information for our region.

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Active Teens Session

Coach Support Initiative

The better we can support the people the better the organisation!  

Harbour Sport provides a range of development opportunities including:

  • Mentoring
  • Coach Evolve
  • Coach Observation
  • Workshops

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