Active for Life – Green Prescription – March 2022
What is your background with health and fitness?
Prior to Green Prescription Leah did not exercise often and whilst she thought about it, she rarely ever acted on the thought. She had a high carb diet that incorporated a lot of fatty foods, sweets, takeaways and unhealthy meals. Her standard breakfast was your typical kiwi breakfast with bacon, eggs, baked beans, and toast. She constantly craved takeaways and fatty foods and did not think twice about the impact that the food she was consuming had on her body.
How was your journey with Green Prescription?
Mikayla enjoyed everything about Green Prescription, the communication was exactly what she needed, and the discounts helped so much. She found it was an effortless process and that she did not have to think much about it as the staff get you going. Mikayla’s healthy lifestyle advisor helped a lot, and she believes that this is the best programme in New Zealand. Mikayla says, “you changed my life, and I cannot thank you enough.”
What was your main goal when joining the Green Prescription programme?
Leah has lost 8kgs and is looking to lose 5kgs to reach her goal weight.
What results/impact has your journey had?
Leah is now conscious of exercise and makes time for walks in between work and general life activities, even though her schedule is busy. All three meals in her day are high in nutrients and are just as tasty! Replacing her kiwi breakfast for muesli, fruits and yogurts is an example of how drastically her diet has improved. Eating healthy has now become a part of her lifestyle, it is not a phase, nor is it something she sees changing.
What are your future goals?
Leah is currently sitting at 75kgs and wants to healthily get down to 70 kgs as that has been her goal for years. Now that Leah has made a habit of healthy eating and incorporating regular exercise into her lifestyle she plans to keep those habits up independently. Now that Leah has started this journey she wishes to learn more so that she can properly equip herself to continue to independently improve her lifestyle and smash her new goals.
“The support from my Healthy Lifestyle Advisor encouraged me to kick start this journey. If it were not for my Healthy Lifestyle Advisor, I would not be where I am today, I wouldn’t have even started”
– Leah