Harbour Sport’s Green Prescription Team (GRx) are reviewing exercise classes, both online and in-person (Waitemata), to provide Grx members with more physical activity choices. Each class is reviewed by a Healthy Lifestyle Advisor and ranked based on effort level (low, medium, or high impact).
We have reviewed various classes within the Waitemata region. Each class is ranked by level of ease, these levels are as follows:
Green Pins = Low-Impact Classes
Blue Pins = Medium-Impact Classes
Yellow Pins = High-Impact Classes
Click each pin for information on each class.
Click HERE to open the map in a new tab.
Reviewed By: Raven

Provider: Albany Leisure Centre
Class: Pilates
Class Cost: $5
Description: Focus on your core with the core principles of Pilates. The eight principles of Pilates are technique, concentration, breath, centring, control, precision, movement isolation and routine. This low-impact workout is 1 hour long and uses equipment such as a ball, band, mat and light weights. The focus of the class is to strengthen your powerhouse (core) whilst working other muscle groups. The music is pumping, your muscles are burning and you have a good time in a moderate to fast-paced class.

Reviewed By: Kelvin

Provider: Glenfield Leisure Centre
Class: Grit Strength
Class Cost: $5
Description: Uses the Les Mills Smartbar and prefered weight plates. It is a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) 30-minute session that focuses on all major muscles of the body. Minimal to no rest in between sets will get the heart rate pumping. The trainer is highly skilled and enthusiastic – has the ability to cater to all fitness levels with progressions and regressions. Suitable for GRx Clients who want a challenge.

Reviewed By: Raven

Provider: Northern Arena
Class: Senior Fit
Class Cost: $30 Casual
Description: Senior Fit is a 45 minute up beat class that focuses on strength, balance and coordination. The class is moderately paced and offers options throughout the entire class. It is a welcoming environment open to all ages but specifically targets seniors. Senior fit incorporates a range of equipment as well as exercises so it is an awesome opportunity to work up a sweat and continue to learn about your body’s capabilities.

Reviewed By: Kelvin

Provider: Glenfield Leisure Centre
Class: Body Balance
Class Cost: $5 Casual
Description: Body Balance is a mixture of yoga, pilates and tai chi all in one which focuses on building flexibility with emphasis on meditation, relaxing and deep breathe work. The workout also includes a series of deep stretches which aids in releasing stressed and tensed-up muscles in the body. The trainer gives cues for breathing in and out – the ultimate goal of bringing the body to a state of harmony and balance.

Reviewed By: Lily

Provider: Stanmore Bay Leisure Centre
Class: AquaRun
Class Cost: $5 Casual
Description: AquaRun is a 45 Minute pool class featuring a combination of aqua jogging and interval training at different intensities. AquaRun aims to encourage good form and muscle engagement to maximise the benefits of the workout whilst training at a low to medium intensity. The instructors are very helpful and assist with technique and breathing. This class is suitable for anyone and can be tailored to specific injuries, conditions and levels as you work at your own pace.

Reviewed By: Raven

Provider: Northern Arena
Class: Body Balance
Class Cost: $30 Casual
Description: The Body Balance class incorporates a mixture of yoga, pilates and tai chi finishing with stretches, breathing exercising and light meditation. This session begins steadily eventually aiding the class in a variety of strength and balance exercises that require core strength and balance. This session flows continuously eventually reaching a climax and then steadily warming down into deep stretches and calming breathing exercises that calm the mind and body. The instructor does a great job at making the participants comfortable and provides alternatives to those who may find certain movements challenging.

Reviewed By: Sunny

Online Provider: NHS Fitness Studio
Class: Back Pain Pilates
Class Cost: FREE
Description: This video Demonstrates Pilates Exercises that are suitable for chronic back pain. The class starts up with a gentle full body Dynamic warm-up. After that, the routine shifts into more core stability work on the mat. These exercises keep changing while shifting the emphasis on side abs, Glute muscles, Deep core muscles, Hip and Hip opening exercises which help to ease back pain.

Reviewed By: Wanakia

Online Provider: NHS Fitness Studio
Class: Pilates for Arthritis
Class Cost: FREE
Description: This video demonstrates pilate-inspired exercises that are suitable for people with arthritis. The 32-minute class begins in a standing position and focuses on warming up the entire body using gentle exercises. Following the warm-up, there is a shift to floor-based movements on the mat. The following sequence focuses on the release and mobilisation of the lower back, spine, and hips.

Reviewed By: Vanessa

Online Provider: AgeFit Exercise and Balance Programme
Class: AgeFit
Class Contact:
Class Cost: FREE
Description: Home exercise and balance video programs prescribed for seniors., but suitable for anyone with limited mobility, post or pre-op. Functional exercise helping you enjoy everyday activities and hobbies through being stronger, more balanced, and more mobile. Exercises are grouped into simple sets, clearly explained, and easy to follow. Seated and standing options are available. Classes are 45 min including warm-up and stretching to finish.

Reviewed By: Khalum

Online Provider: NHS Fitness Studio
Class: Aerobics for Beginners
Class Cost: FREE
Description: Fun 45-minute class based on aerobic movement. Including a 10min toning and stretching session. Beginners’ aerobics is a combination of moderate-intensity movements. It is a non-stop class that burns calories, tones the muscles and improves coordination and cardiovascular fitness. The first 30-mins is non-stop movement while the final 10-15 is on the floor toning and stretching. The instructor goes at a moderate pace but insists that people create a pace comfortable enough for themselves.

Reviewed By: Vanessa

Online Provider: BHB Zumba
Class: BHB Zumba
Class Cost: Free but Koha (Donations) greatly appreciated
Description: Fun, choreographed movements to salsa and international music, classes typically consist of a series of Latin-inspired songs, starting with a slower warm-up song, building intensity throughout the workout, and ending with a cool-down song. Even if you’re not a strong dancer, the choreography is repetitive and designed to be built upon, so most people will catch on to the moves as they go. Just about anyone can do it, and regardless of how quickly you pick up on the choreography, you’re likely to be having fun—and sweating. Low impact options are always given, a lot of core rotational muscles and a full-body workout. No special equipment or outfits are needed either. All you need is a positive attitude and to keep moving along with each song.

Reviewed By: Sunny

Online Provider: Via YouTube
Class: Fix your posture in 10 minutes
Class Cost: Free
Description: Over time bad posture can lead to headaches, Back pain, neck pain, and also muscle imbalances. It is even more common these days to see we spend more time with a bad posture without even realizing mainly when we get stuck indoors more often with our digital devices. It is good to break this cycle every now and then by taking regular breaks, going for a walk, or giving a go to this quick 10 minutes stretch and strength routine to help you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. These exercises help you to stretch and strengthen areas such as the upper back, lower back, shoulders, and core muscles which are crucial to maintaining a better posture. Each exercise runs for 50 seconds followed up with a 10 seconds rest.

Reviewed By: Wanakia

Online Provider: TVNZ On Demand – Les Mills
Class: BodyBalance 83 – Strength
Class Cost: Free
Description: Bodybalance is an upbeat yoga-based class. There are three instructors, each taking a turn at leading the class through the yoga movements. The first half of the class focuses on balance and working the lower body. The second half of the class is on the yoga mat and focuses on working the core. Alternative movements for pregnant woman are shown by one of the instructors.

Reviewed By: Raven

Online Provider: TVNZ On Demand – Les Mills
Class: BodyBalance 83 – Flexibility
Class Cost: Free
Description: 30 minute yoga-based class which aims to improve mind, body and life. It embraces simple yoga moves, whilst incorporating elements of Tai Chi and Pilates. No equptment is required for this session although a mat is recommended if on hard surfaces. The class begins with fast flowing movements, some positions seem to be more difficult than others although the instructors provide alternatives to every position ansd movememnt. Bodybalance was both challenging and relaxing as it encouraged increased heartrate and heavy muscles whilst providing a calming ending.

Reviewed By: Moriki

Online Provider: YouTube – Kit Rich
Class: 30 Minute total body medium intensity workout
Class Cost: Free
Description: 30 minute full body exercise video, begins with activation stretches to minimize the risk of injuries. The video is broken down into 3 different cardio blocks each with different exercises to target your whole body. Followed by a core block to strengthen your core right around and finishing with cool-down stretches.

Reviewed By: Van

Online Provider: Maori TV On Demand
Class: Oranga Ngakau
Class Cost: Free
Description: Encouraging Kaumātua and tamariki to stay healthy by participating with their elders in an inclusive, fun, and uniquely Māori exercise regime. Low impact, exercise to music, fun, any fitness level suitable

Reviewed By: Khalum

Online Provider: YouTube – The Body Project
Class: Low Impact cardio workout
Class Cost: Free
Description: A fun 15min low impact, no equipment cardio/resistance home workout. A nice quick workout with easy to follow movements that will get the heart pumping and the blood flowing. Fun music that makes the workout feel like a low intensity dance routine. They provide variations within their movements that cater for all. Overall a quick and fun class that will get you motivated and energised.

Reviewed By: Van

Online Provider:Kawai Purapura Registered Yoga School
Class: Online Gentle Hatha Yoga class: Wednesdays
Class Cost: Free
Description: Online community class on Wednesdays from 8:45-10am with Juliana The class is gentle and ideal for beginners and if you experience anxiety. It focuses on bringing balance and relaxation to the body and mind. Each class includes postures (Asana), breathing techniques (Pranayama), and relaxation.