Active for Life – Green Prescription – March 2021
What led you to enrol in Green Prescription?
“My mental health condition and medication I was taking were negatively affecting my diet and overall health and my support worker suggested I give Green Prescription a go.”
What did you find helpful from the nutrition support offered?
“I talked with the nutritionist, especially how I could manage behaviour around binge eating foods I knew weren’t good for me (and I wasn’t even hungry). I was able to get into a better routine of eating more regularly and choosing better food. I watched a video presentation on Understanding Cravings and also used some resources of snack and lunch ideas.”
What is a tip or lifestyle change you have put in place since having nutrition support?
“Since being on Green Prescription and having nutrition support, I don’t have the mental blocks I once did and my attitude around food has changed. Now I take fruit to work for snacks and my only treat is coffee- I used to eat a lot of bakery-type foods and have poor control over other foods that weren’t great for me. I have better understanding of foods that will help me and how to curb some of the cravings.”
What do you see next in your health and wellbeing journey?
“I would like to get fitter and my end goal is to lose some weight through lifestyle changes rather than dieting.”
What is different about your future as a result of Green Prescription?
“I have a better, more body-positive self-image; my mental health has also improved which has improved my overall outlook on life and the future. I have told a lot of people about Green Prescription. I think it is a great programme and more people need to know about it. Therapy is great, and definitely has its benefits, but it can only do so much. Of course, you are told that eating better and moving more will help your mental health, but if you don’t have the support, you don’t know where to start.”
“ It’s great to have something to support and inspire you to have a different attitude, and this is what Green Prescription did for me.”