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BIA Body Scan (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Scanning)








SKU: WW_BIA Category:

Our state of the art equipment enables us to track your personalised baseline fitness markers and steadily track your health and wellbeing throughout your fitness journey.

Body composition analysis is a method of describing what the body is made of, differentiating between fat, protein, minerals, and body water to give you a snapshot of your health.


  • Q: Who cannot take the InBody Test or will have difficulties taking the test?

A: Individuals with medical implant devices such as pacemakers, or essential support devices such as patient monitoring systems, must not use this equipment. The currents will flow through the body during the test, which may cause malfunctioning of the device or endanger lives. Children, amputees, or the elderly, may have trouble testing if they cannot hold the hand electrodes or stand still on the foot electrodes. Additionally, although it uses safe low-level electrical currents (which are not harmful to the body), it is recommended pregnant women do not test.

  • Q: Is the electric current harmful to the body?

A: The physiological electric impedance method uses a safe low-level current that is not harmful to the body. The safety of the InBody has been tested and proven. The InBody products have been approved for medical use by the CE and all over the world. Many medical institutions around the world are actively using the InBody.

If you have any further questions please contact the Wellness Works team on


















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