Galloway Family – Active Teens – Warkworth
The Galloway’s are a family of four that reside in Wellsford. They were referred to Active Families in August of 2016. The family had long struggled with their weight, and unfortunately the situation was not improving. Mum, Linda-lee, and their Active Families co-ordinator decided to refer the Galloway siblings to the Active Teens programme (Warkworth) in January of 2017. Quentin is the oldest (12 years old), and has two younger sisters, Shania (11 years old) and Ashleigh, the youngest (10 years of age).
The initial consultation with the Active Teens facilitator was positive and the Galloway siblings were enthusiastic about starting the programme.
The Galloway’s came to the first session with their nutrition plans in hand. To the facilitators surprise, they had already started that component of the programme. All that was left was to work on raising their activity levels, and establishing a routine. The highlight for the Galloway’s, were the boxing sessions. All of them quickly gained the correct techniques, and excelled throughout the vigorous training. “We love the boxing, it is really hard, but fun”, commented the kids.
The Galloway’s grew in confidence as the weeks went by. Quentin and Shania each contributed in warm up sessions, whilst Ashleigh socialised openly with all the other programme participants. The siblings where excelling amongst their peers, and starting to notice they could keep up with the fitter participants. One of their pre-programme goals was to gain fitness, but by week three they had already surpassed that goal.
Results / Impact
During the 10 week programme, Quentin lost an amazing 15.1kg of body fat and gained 9.9kg of muscle. Shania dropped 3.5kg of body fat and gained 4.6kg of muscle. Ashleigh also lost 0.9kg of body fat and gained 2.3kg of muscle. Their nutrition has improved since the programme, which Linda-Lee plans to keep persevering with. Each sibling did a pre and post programme confidence survey, and all of them showed positive increases in confidence.

The Galloway family don’t plan on stopping here. They have re-joined the Active Teens programme for another round of sessions. The ongoing support from the Active Families programme is a huge factor to their success. There is more to be accomplished for this family, as they want to make the most of these positive changes. We wish them all the best on their journey, and look forward to hearing about their future endeavours. Well done guys!!

“We really love the boxing, it is really hard, but fun”
– Galloway Family
Jason Edmonds, Harbour Sport
Phone: 094154651 Fax: 09 415 4594 Email: