Harbour Sport ActivAsian Ethnic Engagement Survey
Harbour Sport ActivAsian is an Ethnic Engagement initiative that has been servicing the Asian community in the North Harbour region since 2009. The initiative’s vision is “The Asian community are activated, advocated and represented at community levels across play, active recreation and sport”
The purpose of the Harbour Sport ActivAsian Ethnic Engagement Survey is to gain a better understanding of the play, active recreation and sport organisations on their ethnic awareness, cultural competency as well as the current level of Diversity and Inclusion in the North Harbour region. The results will help Harbour Sport to better support and upskill your organisation on creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for the diverse community for a sustainable future. It would be much appreciated if you could spare a few minutes completing the survey.
*Please nominate ONE person from each club or organisation to participate in this survey for a more accurate record.
All information provided specifically to your organisation will be confidential. We thank you in advance for your contribution in creating a collaborative and integrated approach to Diversity and Inclusion.
If you have any questions about this survey and/or Harbour Sport ActivAsian, please contact Alvin Cheung, ActivAsian Development Manager at alvinc@harboursport.co.nz or call 021 217 4286