Izabella Munoz – Active Families
Active Families assists families to become more active, gain nutrition knowledge and become involved in regular activity (sport). Families receive support through weekly activity sessions and family visits.
Izzy was referred to Active Families in December 2015. Although already quite active, Izzy’s parents were keen to explore the Active Families programme, and what it had to offer.
Izzy, along with her dad Favio and mum Hayley, were very quickly a part of the Active Families group on a Wednesday night.
Izzy always enjoys the sessions, and loves the nutrition exercises and cooking components that the programme offers. Initial goals that Izzy set included:
- improving her eating habits, in particular snack foods
- complete the weekly exercise challenges that families were set each week.
Izzy and her dad often go biking at the weekends, and enjoy getting out for walks as often as possible as well.
The Active Families team organised a Mud Rush ‘Offsite’ session leading up to the annual Harbour Sport Mud Rush event. Izzy, along with her mum and dad all attended and loved it!! That same week they dressed up and completed the Mud Rush Event as a family with 8 other families from Active Families. For the Munoz family, as well as the other families, this was the first event they had entered into and completed.
Results / Impact
Izzy’s parents have loved the support of the Active Families Programme. They have noticed that Izzy is a lot more confident, and really loves the sessions, especially the nutrition ones. Favio mentioned that, “the sessions are great, and the families form a real bond and all get involved…the parents too”.
Izzy has made some great changes to her snacking habits, including choosing more healthy options for lunches and after school. She also completes her weekly exercise challenges, and has noticed her fitness increasing. In addition, she has also started playing netball and touch rugby during the year, which is awesome!!”.
Izzy, Favio and Hayley have been a pleasure to have on Active Families. They are regulars at the sessions, and always get involved. Izzy’s parents have been super supportive, and have allowed Izzy the chance to develop her knowledge around activity and healthy eating.
Well done team, and keep up the good work!!

“the sessions are great, and the families form a real bond and all get involved…the parents too”.
– Favio Munoz

David Catherwood, Harbour Sport
Phone: 094154656 Fax: 09 415 4594 Email: davidc@harboursport.co.nz