Water Exercise
Water exercise is a form of exercise your back will thank you for!
It is great for your back as it strengthens muscles and increases joint range of motion.
Below is a short, simple water exercise routine to get you going.

Warm Up: Water Walking
· Put on a flotation belt, this will keep you from sinking in the deep end
· Walk around the pool to warm up your hips and legs, this will give you an aerobic workout too
· Warm-up should take 5-10 minutes
Exercise 1: The Bicycle
· This exercise will begin to intensify the work out
· Pedal your legs in the water, as if you were riding a bike
· The bicycle works more leg and hip muscles than walking
· Bicycle both forward and back, for 5 minutes each

Exercise 2: Kicks
· Time for leg power!
· Keeping one leg straight kick the other one up
· Aim for horizontal leg, perpendicular to trunk
· Kicks will build muscles in the legs and hips which will in turn benefit your back
· Do 15-20 kicks
Exercise 3: Knee to Chest
· Bring both knees up to your chest and down again
· This will work your abdominal muscles
· A more advanced version is to straighten your legs and extend your body out into one long line
· Perform exercise 10-15 times

Exercise 4: Legs Out and In
· Bring legs to a perpendicular angle to your trunk
· Spread legs to form a “V”
· Now bring your legs back together
· Repeat 15 times
· This exercise strengthens your hips and abdominal muscles
· By being in a “sitting” position you will be using your abs to support your trunk
Cool Down: Water Walking
· Use the Water Walking from Warm-Up
· Cool down should last 5-10 minutes
· Take a few minutes to stretch your legs and hips
· This can be in the pool or back on land