I acknowledge and agree that I, being the parent/legal guardian of a child participating in the 2018 April School Cycling Holiday Programme, or myself if I am 18 years of age or older and am participating in the event, have read this document and I understand and accept all conditions.
I consent to myself and/or child/children (under the age of eighteen (18) years) to take part in the 2018 April School Cycling Holiday Programme with myself &/or on their own. I have disclosed all relevant medical/behavioural conditions (including allergies) to the programme coordinators (Oliver Wu & Guillaume Shrimpton).
1. I consent to images, photography and video footage taken to use for future Harbour Sport and cycling promotions and events. This consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.
2. Whilst Harbour Sport exercises due care and employs risk management techniques in the delivery of Harbour Sport activities it will not be liable for injury, damage or loss that the participant may sustain during the holiday programme to him/her or his/her property during any Harbour Sport activity.
3. I acknowledge that this event involves the real risk of injury and I consent to my child and/or myself participating in the cycling holiday programmes entirely at their own risk.
4. I consent to my child or myself receiving any medical treatment that the programme coordinator thinks reasonable during the time of the cycle programme.