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Harbour Sport Strategic Plan

Consultation Process
HAVE YOUR SAY ~ Online Survey Closes Friday 11th October
Richard Casutt

Richard Casutt

General Manager | Harbour Sport

Riki Burgess

Riki Burgess

Business Project Manager | Harbour Sport


E mihi atu ana ki a koe tautoko kaha ki a mātou i te rōpū o Harbour Sport He Toa Taua. Ko Takarunga te maunga, ko Waitematā te moana, ā, kei te kaha mātou ki te whakapakari i ngā kaupapa hei oranga tātou hāpori. Kei te haere whakamua mātou ki te wāhanga hōu o mātou whakamahere rautaki, ā, e kimi whakaaro ana mātou i a koe, he tangata whakahirahira ki a mātou, kia whai wāhi mai koe ki tēnei mahi nui. 

As part of Harbour Sport He Toa Taua’s commitment to enhancing the quality of our services and driving meaningful outcomes for our community, we are embarking on the next phase of our strategic planning process. We are reaching out to our valued stakeholders, like yourself, to invite you to share your thoughts and insights by participating in a brief survey. 

Your perspective is incredibly important to us. As a key partner, we value your open and honest feedback, as it will play a critical role in shaping our future direction. This is an opportunity for you to help us identify not only the challenges that lie ahead but also the opportunities that will allow us to best support our community’s needs and aspirations. 

Your input will directly influence the strategic priorities we set and ensure that we remain focused on delivering impactful programs, fostering active and healthy lifestyles, and building a strong, connected sporting community. 

Get Involved & Have Your Say

Stay informed through our website and the Council/Hibiscus and Bays local board updates.

We encourage you to participate in the consultation process through either of the options below. 

Community Workshops

Presenting the survey data

Topic discussions

Date ~ Time ~ Location – TBC (Early November)

Online Survey submissions close on Friday, 14th October at 5pm


Ngā mihi maioha ki a koe mō ō whakaaro me tō whai wāhi ki tēnei mahi whakahirahira. Mā te mahi ngātahi, ka taea e tātou te whakapakari i tō tātou hāpori, kia tupu ora, kia tūhono hoki te katoa i roto i ngā kaupapa hākinakina. 

Again, Thank you for your ongoing support of Harbour Sport He Toa Tua. 

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini. 

Any Questions?

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