9 Jul 2020 | Sport or Recreation Work Experience
AUT is seeking Co-Op placements within Regional Sports Organisations and potential clubs for their students in Semester 2 (July – end of October 2020). 35 to 600 hour placements! Areas of interest would include Management, Coaching, Exercise Science, Physical...
9 Jul 2020 | Sport or Recreation Work Experience
Massey University’s Bachelor of Sport Management students are keen to gain work experience in the sports industry. Both second-year Professional Development for the Sport Industry and third-year Sport Management Practicum students are required to complete a...
18 May 2020 | Clubs, RSO's
The Government is spending $265 million on the sport and recreation sector to ensure it remains viable and adapts in the wake of Covid-19. “Sport New Zealand and High Performance Sport New Zealand will work closely with national sport and recreation...
13 May 2020 | Asian Community Sport, Clubs, Coaching, Green Prescription, Healthy Lifestyles, RSO's, Schools, Sports, SportsSpasifik, Workshops
? Sport NZ has released Alert Level 2 Sport and Recreation guidelines! Following on from Monday’s announcement, from Thursday, 14th May, a wide range of play, recreation and sport activities can resume within level 2. Playgrounds, gyms, pools and public courts...
7 May 2020 | Clubs, RSO's, Sports
More Info Fact Sheet Register Your Interest Sport NZ has announced a $25 million package to provide further short-term relief for organisations at all levels of the play, active recreation and sport sector. The funds have been made available through the...
30 Apr 2020 | Asian Community Sport, Cycling, Healthy Lifestyles, SportsSpasifik
More Info What if your daily dash around the block could also raise money for a great community cause? We’re calling walkers, runners, cyclists and outdoor lovers of all abilities and ages to the driveway start line. Take part in this awesome virtual event designed to...