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Active for Life – Green Prescription – June 2021

What is your background with health and fitness?

Prior to joining Green Prescription, Geraldine was not exercising regularly and had poor nutrition habits. Unfortunately, these habits led to an unhealthy lifestyle.

How was your journey with Green Prescription?

Geraldine has made lots of changes after she had a fall about a month ago. She has changed her nutrition and physical activity levels which has had a positive effect on her lifestyle. Geraldine’s’ nutrition changes have included eating more fruits and vegetables and has coupled this with lowering her meat intake. She enjoyed and was grateful for guidance along the programme as well as making good use of different resources.

What was your main goal when joining the Green Prescription programme?

Geraldine wanted to lose weight for her birthday which is in three months’ time, she believes she will reach her goal by then.

What results/impact has your journey had?

Geraldine has lost a total of 6kgs in the last month by eating better, water walking and doing yoga. She also noted that she no longer has aches and pains when getting out of bed in the morning. She feels much stronger and fitter, has better nutrition and increased energy.

What are your future goals?

Geraldine is going to continue her journey and wants to try her best to get down to 80kgs! We wish her luck as she continues to work towards her targeted goal.

” I feel great and more positive!” 


Healthy Lifestyle Advisor: Vanessa Kipa
Phone: 027 700 2212