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Committees Of The Board Policy

Purpose To enable the work of the board to be conducted more effectively committees of the board may be established. Some committees are standing committees, appointed to perform a continuing function, e.g. audit  committee, while others undertake a specific task and...

Job Description Templates for Clubs and Schools

Job Description Templates to Download: Teacher in Charge of Sport Job Description Volunteer Coach Job Description General Volunteer Job Description Volunteer Coordinator Job Description Volunteer Manager Job Description Volunteer President Chairperson Job Description...

Police Vetting Service – Cost Recovery

As has already been signalled, later this year, Police will begin charging a fee to help recover the cost of the vetting service it provides. The purpose of this communication from Bruce Mackay, Manager of the Police Vetting Service, is simply to make you aware of the...

Athletes Survey Template

A useful resource to get to know the  athletes in your team. Download Athletes Survey Template

Coach Management Plan Template

Ensure your planning is spot on throughout the year.  From strategy to who does what when.  A great resource for coaches. Download...
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