7 May 2020 | Clubs, RSO's, Sports
More Info Fact Sheet Register Your Interest Sport NZ has announced a $25 million package to provide further short-term relief for organisations at all levels of the play, active recreation and sport sector. The funds have been made available through the...
27 Apr 2020 | Clubs, Coaching, Events, RSO's, Sports, Workshops
? INSPIRE YOUR SPORTS CLUB, INSPIRE YOUR COMMUNITY ? Harbour Sport presents ‘Thinking Differently’ – How Sporting Organisations can “Unleash the Entrepreneurial Spirit” at their club. “Entrepreneurial spirit is a mindset. It’s an attitude and approach to...
22 Apr 2020 | Clubs, RSO's, Sports
A webinar discussing questions on the affects COVID-19 on our parks and open spaces and what would help your planning to restart your services and facilities as we progress through the lockdown levels. Watch...
8 Apr 2020 | Asian Community Sport, Clubs, Coaching, RSO's, Schools, Sports, Volunteers, Workshops
Aktive have developed a hub on their website which includes all the latest information from Sport NZ, Council, the Gaming Machine Association of NZ etc, links to all the sector online forums, ideas on keeping active from partners etc. The Auckland Sport &...
20 Mar 2020 | Asian Community Sport, Clubs, Coaching, Cycling, Green Prescription, Healthy Lifestyles, RSO's, Schools, Seniors, Sports, SportsSpasifik, Volunteers, Workshops
Over recent days, we have seen the situation with COVID-19 continue to escalate, with significant travel restrictions implemented by the New Zealand Government. This has widespread implications across every part of our daily interactions, including recreational and...
19 Mar 2020 | Asian Community Sport, Clubs, Coaching, Cycling, Green Prescription, Healthy Lifestyles, RSO's, Schools, Seniors, Sports, SportsSpasifik, Volunteers, Workshops
*** IMPORTANT EVENTS NOTICE *** Due to the continuously evolving situation with COVID-19 Harbour Sport staff have been advised to follow Government and the Ministry of Health recommendations regarding limiting non-essential contact in order to limit the spread of...