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Harbour Sport continues to work collaboratively with Aktive regarding the gathering of insights in relation to the Long Term Plan and the real danger of significant reductions in investment for our sector moving forwards.

Council has just released the Mayor’s 10 Year Budget statement. Whilst there is money set aside for ‘Parks and Community’ there is no specific reference to our sector until Section 55 on page 11 of the full document which really just refers to ‘high performance facilities’, with no reference to community sport, recreation and physical activity.

Our sector faces huge competition for funding from Auckland Council, competition which is stronger than ever as the issues of housing, water supply and waste water, transport, libraries, the arts and many others are brought to the attention of the decision makers within Council. The next public consultation process early in 2018 is the opportunity for you to have your say, we all need to be aware that doing nothing is not an option. The sector, from RSOs and Clubs right down to individual members, needs to work together with Local Boards and Ward Councillors to ensure that, as far as is possible, people of all ages and ethnicities in our region have the opportunity to participate in some form of physical activity in fit-for-purpose facilities or suitable open spaces.

The Harbour Sport Key Messages will help you to outline the value of sport, recreation and physical activity when you start to gather information for submissions.

There is another document being drafted by Aktive to support this process which will be linked as soon as it has been received. Following is a link to a new document produced to support a pan-Auckland Plan for Golf, which some sports may be able to re-produce to support their submissions.

** This post will be updated as soon as further information becomes available.

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