Active for Life – Green Prescription – December 2020
Prior to joining Green Prescription, Patricia attended an exercise group for women over 65 but struggled with blood sugar levels and found it very hard to limit carbohydrate intake.
She attended a Diabetic Education Day at Comprehensive Care and as a result began to see a nutritionist there on a monthly basis. It was her nutritionist who suggested that she try Green Prescription.
This was the second time around joining Green Prescription, however the first time Patricia found her career and the hours required made it hard to fit in any meaningful exercise after work.
In the beginning Patricia felt that she was lacking in confidence (even though she had taught swimming for many years and had always been a confident swimmer, but she just didn’t feel she “belonged” in the training pool and was worried she would hold up serious swimmers (even in the walking lane).
So she started walking in the pool by the spa pool 3 times a week.
The first day she managed to walk 10 lengths, gradually increasing this and aimed to walk half and swim half. She worked her way up to 60 lengths BUT I was very conscious of the fact that i wasn’t doing this exercise in the training pool.
Patricia really enjoyed her interactions with her Green Prescription, Healthy Lifestyle Advisor Ellen.
She looked forward to having a chat with Ellen and talking over her hopes and goals. She felt Ellen had the ability to engage with her without making it feel as if she was ‘checking up on her’.
Thanks to Ellen she has joined the CMA classes that are held weekly. This class has the added benefit of a social aspect which Patricia appreciates. Retirement and the advent of Covid have changed her way of living.
Patricia set out to attend a new exercise class, go to the pool 3 times a week and increase the number of swimming lengths each week.
Weight loss, Increased fitness, Lifestyle changes, Increased energy, Lasting nutrition changes.
I’m summary Patricia was pleased with her accomplishments and felt that her goals were realistic.
Patricia plans on doing more swimming, maybe getting bold enough to try out some stationary cycling at the gym, and while some CMA classes are on hold over the holidays, she would like to do some at home exercises.
“My experience with Green Prescription has been very positive. Covid meant that, like many other seniors, I was confined to my home for weeks.
Starting back into swimming was hard. The first 2 or 3 times I went to the pool I thought it was just too hard and i was ready to give up. After a week I realised that I was actually feeling good when I got out of the pool. Along with this I had a chat with Ellen and once again she provided the encouragement I needed.
During lock-down Ellen kept in touch, sent me exercises to do at home and generally encouraged me to do what I could at home. She even supplied me with stretchy bands needed for some of the exercises.”