13 May 2020 | Asian Community Sport, Clubs, Coaching, Green Prescription, Healthy Lifestyles, RSO's, Schools, Sports, SportsSpasifik, Workshops
? Sport NZ has released Alert Level 2 Sport and Recreation guidelines! Following on from Monday’s announcement, from Thursday, 14th May, a wide range of play, recreation and sport activities can resume within level 2. Playgrounds, gyms, pools and public courts...
20 Mar 2020 | Asian Community Sport, Clubs, Coaching, Cycling, Green Prescription, Healthy Lifestyles, RSO's, Schools, Seniors, Sports, SportsSpasifik, Volunteers, Workshops
Over recent days, we have seen the situation with COVID-19 continue to escalate, with significant travel restrictions implemented by the New Zealand Government. This has widespread implications across every part of our daily interactions, including recreational and...
19 Mar 2020 | Asian Community Sport, Clubs, Coaching, Cycling, Green Prescription, Healthy Lifestyles, RSO's, Schools, Seniors, Sports, SportsSpasifik, Volunteers, Workshops
*** IMPORTANT EVENTS NOTICE *** Due to the continuously evolving situation with COVID-19 Harbour Sport staff have been advised to follow Government and the Ministry of Health recommendations regarding limiting non-essential contact in order to limit the spread of...
18 Dec 2019 | Asian Community Sport, Cycling, Green Prescription, Healthy Lifestyles, Schools, Seniors, SportsSpasifik
I first signed up to the gym just a couple years ago, I’m no gym expert now and certainly do not go as regularly as I would like to, but I have learnt not to be intimidated by the big scary gym. I remember being totally terrified of setting foot in the gym- absolutely...
10 Dec 2019 | Asian Community Sport, Green Prescription, Healthy Lifestyles, Schools
Running is not for everyone, it’s hard work, it can be boring and often feels physically impossible. That being said, running is one of the few sports that require little to no equipment and is great for fitness. Having recently completed my first half marathon, after...
6 Mar 2017 | Green Prescription, Healthy Lifestyles
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says more adults and their families are benefiting from medication-free healthy lifestyle prescriptions. “The Government is committed to supporting New Zealanders to live healthier more active lives away from hospitals,” says Dr...