12 Apr 2017 | Asian Community Sport, Clubs, Coaching, Schools, Sports, Uncategorized
FREE Sports Concussion Clinic There is an increasing focus on concussion across all sporting codes, and this season rugby has introduced The Blue Card. More and more athletes will be required to be seen by a medical professional before being able to return to sport....
12 Apr 2017 | Clubs, Coaching, Volunteers
February see’s the return of volunteer of the month for 2017! This year Volunteer of the Month is being kicked off with a fantastic volunteer who has dedicated over 5 years of her time to Glenfield ‘Greyhounds’ Rugby League Club. This super volunteer was instrumental...
17 Feb 2017 | Coaching, Healthy Lifestyles, Sports
With 17 years of experience in developing Sports specific class programmes to improve the performance of both individual athletes and teams, our programmes have proven to be successful with professional sportsmen and women. In the past we have worked with All Blacks,...
12 Jan 2017 | Clubs, Coaching, Volunteers
November’s edition of volunteer of the month sees a volunteer who has helped in an array of sports. He has run three hockey teams, two soccer teams, inter school touch and even helped out outside of classroom hours for Waterwise. His hard work and dedication has...