8 Apr 2020 | Asian Community Sport, Clubs, Coaching, RSO's, Schools, Sports, Volunteers, Workshops
Aktive have developed a hub on their website which includes all the latest information from Sport NZ, Council, the Gaming Machine Association of NZ etc, links to all the sector online forums, ideas on keeping active from partners etc. The Auckland Sport &...
20 Mar 2020 | Asian Community Sport, Clubs, Coaching, Cycling, Green Prescription, Healthy Lifestyles, RSO's, Schools, Seniors, Sports, SportsSpasifik, Volunteers, Workshops
Over recent days, we have seen the situation with COVID-19 continue to escalate, with significant travel restrictions implemented by the New Zealand Government. This has widespread implications across every part of our daily interactions, including recreational and...
19 Mar 2020 | Asian Community Sport, Clubs, Coaching, Cycling, Green Prescription, Healthy Lifestyles, RSO's, Schools, Seniors, Sports, SportsSpasifik, Volunteers, Workshops
*** IMPORTANT EVENTS NOTICE *** Due to the continuously evolving situation with COVID-19 Harbour Sport staff have been advised to follow Government and the Ministry of Health recommendations regarding limiting non-essential contact in order to limit the spread of...
18 Sep 2019 | Asian Community Sport, Clubs, Coaching, Healthy Lifestyles, RSO's, Schools, Sports, Volunteers
The Sport and Recreation Facilities Investment Fund was established during Long-term Plan 2018-2028 to support the development of regional and sub-regional sport and recreation facilities. It has a budget of $120 million over the next ten years. The funding for the...
12 Apr 2017 | Clubs, Coaching, Volunteers
February see’s the return of volunteer of the month for 2017! This year Volunteer of the Month is being kicked off with a fantastic volunteer who has dedicated over 5 years of her time to Glenfield ‘Greyhounds’ Rugby League Club. This super volunteer was instrumental...
12 Jan 2017 | Clubs, Coaching, Volunteers
November’s edition of volunteer of the month sees a volunteer who has helped in an array of sports. He has run three hockey teams, two soccer teams, inter school touch and even helped out outside of classroom hours for Waterwise. His hard work and dedication has...