More People in our Community Walking and Getting Fit!
Come and join us! We offer great events in the area to promote walking outdoors as well as indoors.
Every step counts to keep us healthy and fit!

Chinese Community Walking Group
Weekly on a Monday and Wednesday @ 10am from Various Locations around Albany and the North Shore.
Contact: Daniel Dong: danield@harboursport.co.nz
or WeChat ID: d14038
Korean Community Walking Group
Currently closed
Contact: Marian Park marianp@harboursport.co.nz
or 022 642 4877
Interested in further walking groups around West Auckland, Rodney and North Shore?
Latest Resources and News
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The Latest News
Patricia Taunga Success Story
Active for Life - Green Prescription - December 2020Background Prior to joining Green Prescription, Patricia attended an exercise group for women over 65 but struggled with blood sugar levels and found it very hard to limit carbohydrate intake. She attended a Diabetic...
Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Online Discussion
No Vacancies? Why not Volunteer?
Volunteers are critical to the sustainability and function of the sporting sector. Visit our Volunteers Page - A place for volunteers to find volunteering opportunities within the Harbour Region and for clubs/ sporting organisations to advertise current volunteer...
? UPDATE: Alert Level 2 guidelines for Sport and Recreation released!
Great news… From Thursday, a wide range of play, recreation and sport activities can resume within level 2.
What if your daily dash around the block could also raise money for a great community cause? We’re calling walkers, runners, cyclists and outdoor lovers of all abilities and ages to the driveway start line. Take part in this awesome virtual event designed to boost...
Staff Member, Marian, Nominated for Westfield Local Heroes Award
A HUGE congratulations to one of the members of our Harbour Sport, Harbour Sport ActivAsian Team, Marian Park! Marian has been nominated for the Westfield Local Heroes recognition and award programme at Westfield Albany for the brilliant work she’s been doing for our...
Healthy For Life exercise programme for Seniors starting this Saturday on TV1!
ACC in collaboration with TVNZ and partners across the health sector, is bringing an exercise programme, called Healthy For Life to our TV screens from this Saturday. This is in response to the fact that older New Zealanders can’t attend community strength and balance...
Workplace operations at COVID-19 alert levels
New guidance has been released about workplace activities at different alert levels. Information addresses some frequently asked questions as well as examples of what each alert level might look like for different kinds of businesses.
Aktive COVID-19 Hub
Aktive have developed a hub on their website which includes all the latest information from Sport NZ, Council, the Gaming Machine Association of NZ etc, links to all the sector online forums, ideas on keeping active from partners etc. The Auckland Sport &...
Win with Active Challenges at Home!
Two Awesome Challenges for You to Partake in at Home! Harbour Sport understands that it is currently a difficult time for people to get exercise during this lockdown period! Hence we are excited to introduce the #HSStayHomeChallenge and the #FamilyBubbleChallenge....