Young People
Physical Activity and Sport for Life
Providing leadership and support to those who work with young people in the sport and recreation sector.

Pre and Primary Schools
Providing training for Early Childhood educators to enable them to help 2-5-year-olds obtain physical literacy.
Primary School
School’s and Teacher’s Support (in Physical Education) – Practical Professional Development sessions to improve teaching PE

Secondary Schools
- Professional Development for Sports Coordinators
- Youth Programme support
- College Sport Auckland
- Harbour
Sport School Meetings - Volunteers in Schools
- School Sport Plans
Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa
Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa provides funding for programmes or projects delivering play, active recreation and sport experiences for tamariki and rangatahi.
School Sport - Student Volunteer
Recognising Sports Leaders in Schools. Nominate a candidate!
NZSSSC Census Student representation in school sport has been static.
Top 5 sports over the past year have been Football, Netball, Basketball, Volleyball and Rugby Union.
- In 2021, 45% of Harbour Secondary School Students pulled on their school colours for sport.
- Boys’ involvement stayed at 49% and girls’ involvement dropped 1% again in 2021, down from 42% in 2020 and 45% in 2019. This is an unfortunate trend that we are working with our schools on alongside Sport NZ and Aktive.
- Schools in the Harbour Region offered students the opportunity to represent their school in 62 out of the 84 sports recognised in the census. There were also notable rises in sports such as Skateboarding and Tag which do not feature as recognised sports on the census.
- Basketball climbed ahead to be the number 1 sport, followed by Football, Netball, Volleyball and Rugby Union. To see which sports round out the top 10 see our graphs below.
Rugby Union
Latest Resources and News
The Latest Resources
The Latest News
AFL KiwiKick a big hit at Red Beach School
The AVJennings AFL KiwiKick programme has been a stunning success at Red Beach School on Auckland’s Hibiscus Coast. Over 79 students have eagerly taken up the opportunity to learn the fundamental movement skills of Kick, Catch, Pass and Bounce. As part of a...
Auckland College Climbing Series
A brand new Auckland College Climbing Series. Their goals are to grow climbing in this age group, as well as providing opportunities for existing climbers. The climbs are set at beginner to experienced levels to cater for everyone. Tell your friends about it, and...
Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Online Discussion
No Vacancies? Why not Volunteer?
Volunteers are critical to the sustainability and function of the sporting sector. Visit our Volunteers Page - A place for volunteers to find volunteering opportunities within the Harbour Region and for clubs/ sporting organisations to advertise current volunteer...
? UPDATE: Alert Level 2 guidelines for Sport and Recreation released!
Great news… From Thursday, a wide range of play, recreation and sport activities can resume within level 2.
We are looking for Student Sports Councils to create a video of what their school has been doing during Rāhui/Lockdown to stay active and connected through sport. How have they encouraged the students/staff/school community to stay active with a focus on wellbeing...
Aktive COVID-19 Hub
Aktive have developed a hub on their website which includes all the latest information from Sport NZ, Council, the Gaming Machine Association of NZ etc, links to all the sector online forums, ideas on keeping active from partners etc. The Auckland Sport &...
COVID-19 Advisory to the Harbour Region Clubs, Coaches and Sporting
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Harbour Sport Events affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic
*** IMPORTANT EVENTS NOTICE *** Due to the continuously evolving situation with COVID-19 Harbour Sport staff have been advised to follow Government and the Ministry of Health recommendations regarding limiting non-essential contact in order to limit the spread of...

Face Your Fear of Going to the Gym
I first signed up to the gym just a couple years ago, I’m no gym expert now and certainly do not go as regularly as I would like to, but I have learnt not to be intimidated by the big scary gym. I remember being totally terrified of setting foot in the gym- absolutely...