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WINNER: July’s Volunteer of the Month

Dad’s Army: North Shore Golf Club

This is quite a unique one but important to highlight, as there is no age-limit in volunteering. This is demonstrated here by the Dad’s in green who are giving back their time into a sport they enjoy!

Although this is a long list, we will keep it short. The average age of the Dad’s army is 75!

In the following ways, they provide great assistance to the club and its members: Taking care of the club’s gardens including the deck, tables, and chairs which they always like to be stained and painted. The clubs walkways and entrances are thoroughly water-blasted following a storm. In addition to this they act as starters for North Shore’s youth tournaments and Pennant games, marshaling the course on their busy days. The Dad’s Army come in every Thursday, rain or shine, and everyone at the Golf Club acknowledges and appreciates their valuable efforts. It’s fantastic to see these senior citizens volunteering in a community that has a significant influence on the club’s long-term sustainability.

Congratulations, keep up the great mahi Dad’s Army!

Harbour Sport would also like to acknowledge Pizza Jacks Albany for their support in sponsoring this month’s prize for our volunteers, it is very much appreciated!


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