Improving health outcomes by increased participation in sport and physical activity

⭐ Winner of the 2016 NZRA Outstanding Community Recreation Programme Award

Lockdown Challenge Case Study
Throughout the duration of the Covid – 19 lockdown SportSpasifik Niuways programme successfully ran a community challenge with 20 participants.
The challenge set was to complete walking or running 50km within 7 days.

Key aspects of the Sports Pasifik project
Harbour Sports vision is to see Pacific Communities well supported through culturally specific programmes to be physically active for life and to be involved in sports roles at all levels
With the
Equip’d is a programme targeting Pacific teenage girls providing more opportunities to be involved in sport and recreation. Using a holistic approach, it aims to develop the inherent talent which lies within Pacific girls.
Polysports is a FREE sport and recreation holiday programme for Pacific Island children ages 6-12 years.
NiuWays is an avenue for Pacific people to be introduced to new ways to access FREE exercise in groups and to connect with their community. NiuWays provides an opportunity for capacity building, to train the trainer in the community for sustainability of regular planned physical activity.
The Sports Pasifik project also recognises the need for
Have a go sessions are for local community groups wanting to kick start their community initiative e.g church groups, youth groups, individuals etc. The team at Harbour Sports Pasifik can help facilitate and run a few sessions to support local initiatives as well providing access to opportunities that may benefit groups in the long run.
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Debbie S Nutrition Success Story
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Patricia Taunga Success Story
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