Harbour Sport is a regional sports trust that’s all about promoting and sharing our expertise with sport organisations, clubs, coaches and teachers.
We also deliver healthy lifestyle programmes to the community and host popular events like the Shore to Shore. Creating a Healthy Community that stays Physically Active for Life!
Harbour Sport is a regional sports trust that’s all about promoting and sharing our expertise with sport organisations, clubs, coaches and teachers.
We also deliver healthy lifestyle programmes to the community and host popular events like the Shore to Shore. Creating a Healthy Community that stays Physically Active for Life!
Harbour Sport supports community development for sport and healthy lifestyles and strives to influence more people to participate in sport and physical activity.
Our Commitment to Safeguarding
Ensuring our provisions and environments are safe and empowering for children, young people, families and staff

Community Sport
Providing specific professional and organisational development opportunities for key staff of RSO’s, clubs, Schools, Ethnic Community Sport, schools and teams
The more we can support the people the better the club, organisation or team
Growing Youth in Sport
Education Sector
Improved Coaching Skills
Get Expert Advice
Capability Development
Tu Manawa Funding
Funding for your Club or School
Growing Youth in Sport
Education Sector
Early Childhood through Primary and Secondary Schools
Professional Development, Student Leadership, School Sport Planning
Improved Coaching Skills
Take your team to the next level
Mentoring, Coach Evolve, Coach Observation, Workshops
Get Expert Advice
Capability Development
Assessment, Strategic and Operational Capability for Clubs and Regional Sport Organisations
Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa
Funding for a large range of organisations
Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa provides funding for programmes or projects delivering play, active recreation and sport experiences for tamariki and rangatahi (Young people).

Healthy Lifestyles
Working with targeted Groups to meet the needs of those who need it most in our region.
We help make great activity ideas happen by connecting people and providing support, training and mentoring
Pacific Wellbeing
Sport and Recreation provides positive outlets for children, youth, adults and families in Pacific communities.
Adult Health
Providing Health benefits, Discipline, Focus and a change in Attitude about Nutrition and Fitness
Asian Community
Increasing Sporting opportunities in the Asian community
Sports Equipment
Community not for profit groups are able to make use of our sports equipment
Facility Hire
Hire our Function and Board Rooms for your sports or corporate meetings
Community Strength and Balance
Keeping Older Adults on their Feet
Improving Strength and Balance through Exercise
Get Your Brand noticed in the Community!
Community Sport
Providing specific professional and organisational development opportunities for key staff of RSO’s, clubs, Schools, Ethnic Community Sport, schools and teams
The better we can support the people the better the club, organisation or team
KiwiSport Funding, Nominate a Volunteer, AktivAsian, Growing Youth in Sport, Professional Development for Teachers and more…
Healthy Lifestyles
Working with targeted Groups to meet the needs of those who need it most in our region.
We help make great activity ideas happen by connecting people and providing support, training and mentoring
Green Prescription Support, Pacific Health, Teenage Health, Cycling in Schools and more…
Get Your Brand Noticed
Talk to us about a partnership in one or more of our successful events!
What’s Happening in Our Region
Community Sport News
Volunteer of the Month – February 2023 – Bridget Shaw
Bridget Shaw is making the North Shore more awesome by volunteering their time at Kumeu Cricket Club helping the club develop girls cricket . Bridget has been an integral part of U11 and U13 girls teams, helping with their training and supporting them every game. We...
Healthy Lifestyles News
Auckland College Climbing Series
A brand new Auckland College Climbing Series. Their goals are to grow climbing in this age group, as well as providing opportunities for existing climbers. The climbs are set at beginner to experienced levels to cater for everyone. Tell your friends about it, and...
Leah Green Prescription Success Story
Active for Life - Green Prescription - March 2022What is your background with health and fitness? Prior to Green Prescription Leah did not exercise often and whilst she thought about it, she rarely ever acted on the thought. She had a high carb diet that incorporated...
Mikayla Green Prescription Success Story
Active for Life - Green Prescription - February 2022What is your background with health and fitness? Before joining Green Prescription, Mikayla was lazy and was not motivated. Her mindset was, I am fat, why bother! Mikayla was then referred to Green Prescription and...