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Active Families

Health, Fitness and Nutrition for the whole Family

Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights

The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights (the Code) establishes the rights of consumers, and the obligations and duties of providers to comply with the Code.

See Your Rights in Different Languages

Supporting Families with Children 5 to 12 years old.

What is Active Families?

Active Families assists whānau who want to make healthier lifestyle changes or are currently sedentary to become more active, gain nutrition knowledge and become involved in regular activity (sport). Families receive support through weekly activity sessions that build skills for sports and increase confidence levels around being active. Specific nutrition knowledge is delivered in a fun and entertaining way. The family also receives in-home visits to get support on nutrition knowledge, activity time, screen time and BMI for the child/family.

Active Families aims to improve families’ attitudes toward physical activity through fun physical activity experiences, introduce them to healthy food options, and teach them to make healthy food choices.


  • Aged 5 – 12 years
  • Geographical boundaries: West Auckland, North Shore, Rodney and Hibiscus Coast.
  • Available to attend activity sessions in either Hillcrest, Henderson or Orewa.
  • Currently inactive (less than 5 hours per week).
  • Have a stable medical/ mental condition that could benefit from regular physical activity.
  • Family is ready to make changes to their lifestyle and consents to being referred.

Referrals can be by self-referral, via your general practice team (doctor or practice nurse), or by any other health professional.

Active families


Active Families West:

Tuesdays, 5:00pm – 6:00pm

West Wave Rec Center

Active Families Coast:

Wednesdays, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Orewa Community Centre

Active Families North:

Thursdays 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Transformation Academy Northcote

What Our Families Say

“When we started to come along, Jaydn fell in love with the program and really kept the energy up for going along. It’s been a fun way to get our bodies moving and to learn about the right eating” Holz Whānau

“Finding the time and motivation to do something active and fun that both kids enjoy is our huge challenge” MC Family

Alternately health professionals such as GP’s, Pediatricians or Practice Nurses can refer you, just ask your doctor for more information.

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