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Become physically active, as part of your health management. The smart and cost-effective way to help you stay healthy.

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Phone: 09-415 4657 or 0800 ACTIVE

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Motivating Adults to Keep Healthy and Active

What is Active for Life – Green Prescription?

The Active for Life programme is a free 3-month health and wellness programme delivered by Harbour Sport. It aims to increase physical activity and improve the nutrition of adults aged 18 years and over. Healthy Lifestyle Advisors provide individuals with support and motivation to become independently active with the ultimate goal to improve health. 

What does the service include?

  •  Face to Face healthy lifestyle consultations provided at Auckland Council Leisure Centres.
    • West Wave Pool and Leisure Centre, Henderson
    • Glenfield Pool and Leisure Centre
    • Stanmore Bay Pool and Leisure Centre
    • Albany Pool and Leisure Centre
  • Discounted rates at a range of Auckland Council Leisure Centre’s as well as Green Prescription specific classes
  • Goal setting, wellbeing and nutrition advice
  • Nutrition support
  • Facebook support and events
  • Monthly follow-ups to support and motivate people to be independently active, eat healthily and live a healthier lifestyle


  • Aged ≥ 18 years.
  • Geographical boundaries: North Shore, Rodney, Waitakere and Hibiscus Coast.
  • Currently inactive (less than 2.5 hours per week).
  • Cleared for exercise by a GP or other health professional
  • Are at risk of developing a medical condition due to a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Ready to make changes to their lifestyle and consents to being referred.

Referrals can be by the general practice team (doctor or practice nurse), or any other health professional.



The goals and objectives of Green Prescription are:

  • Encouraging sedentary adults to become independently active.
  • Supporting improvements in nutrition.
  • Promoting healthier lifestyle choices for adults in Waitakere, North Shore and Rodney regions.

To check out what our clients have had to say about the programme, click the button below!

For more information please contact the Green Prescription Team on:


Phone: 09-415 4657 or 0800 ACTIVE

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